Our latest blog posts
Joyce Branagh and Dominic Holmes star in Philip Ridley's thriller Vincent River at Hope Mill Theatre next week.
Joyce Branagh and Dominic Holmes tell Andrew Edwards all about Philip Ridley's thriller Vincent River. The play which opens at Hope Mill Theatre on the 27th and runs for just under a month has themes of homophobia. The production is directed by John Young. PART TWO.
Posted by Andrew Edwards at Thursday, 22 February 2018
They say a picture paints a thousand words...
Posted by Matt Crabb at Saturday, 24 December 2016
Inkheart Cornelia Funke's celebration of the importance of books adapts well for the stage as HOME's first Christmas show.
Andrew Edwards is transported to a magical world where characters come to life in the first Christmas show at Manchester's newest arts venue HOME.
Posted by Andrew Edwards at Sunday, 13 December 2015
Mike Robinson chats to Dr Tommy Dickinson whose book reveals the truth about aversion therapy.
Mike Robinson's guest on the Mix Tape is Dr Tommy Dickinson the author of " Curing Queers 1935 - 1974 "
Posted by Andrew Edwards at Saturday, 25 April 2015
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