Another week... and another challenge. This week I was tap-dancing. Images of Shirley Temple, Fred Astaire and Debbie Reynolds came to mind. Which one would my style most replicate?! Or perhaps I'd actually be more of a Lionel Blair?! Hmmm.
So after a mammoth hunt for size 9/10 tap shoes (which was unsuccessful - I squeezed into a pair of size 8s in the end - ooh me toes) I made my way down to Sunshine Dance Studios here in Manchester. Adam, fresh from the cruise ships, was my teacher for the evening and soon put any nerves at ease. My class mates were lovely (see below) and before I knew it we were off into the warm-up - which actually seemed more like something that Arlene Phillips had put together for the Lord's latest production. I was rather daunted at first and just really worked the jazz hands and smile - hoping no-one would actually look at my feet. After a few exercises and diagonal sweeps of the room, we were off into a full blown routine. Once again - technically not great on my part, but performance-wise - woohooo! Let's just say the fingers and facial muscles got a good workout.
With a final jazz hand - the hour was over and I was surprisingly sweaty but rather smiley. Adam was great and the class made it a really enjoyable experience. If you fancy giving it a go then full details can be found here -
So who was I most like then?! Shirley, Fred, Debbie, Lionel? Try a camp Anne Widdecombe - but with less boobage and bigotry.
There's some stunning pictures below for your screensaver (or trash).
Marathon blog kicks off next week - it's only 5 weeks away - ARRRRGH. Did 16 miles on Tuesday and I knew about it on Wednesday. Stairs were a challenge. All fine now though. If you fancy helping out a rather brilliant charity then take a look at this -
Have a fabulous weekend. I'm having an easy one - running and chutney for me. Rock. And. Roll.
Rave safe.