28 minutes | Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Jennie"So many people knew they were gay from a young age, but that's just not my story""Jennie Guay is an author who had only ever dated men when she moved from Canada to England in her late 20s.After deciding to explore her sexuality, she set her dating profile to "seeking women" and changed her life.Jennie's book "Howie Blend: Playdate Adventures with Family and Friends" is available here and at all good bookshops.Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...Listen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifyPresented by Emma Goswell Produced by Sam Walker We'd love to hear YOUR story. Please get in touch www.comingoutstoriespodcast.com or find us on twitter @ComeOutStories and on Instagram @ComingOutStoriesPod We have a book! Coming Out Stories is available at all major shops now! JKP.com | Queerlit | Waterstones | Amazon Coming Out Stories is a What Goes On Media Production