26 minutes | Monday, 8 June 2020
“If I could turn back time and come out as trans at 20, then I would. Waiting nearly killed me” Kayden is a queer trans man, who first came out as a lesbian at the age of 15. He didn’t realise he was trans until he was 20, but it then took him ten long hard years to finally become the man he is today. Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...Listen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifyPresented by Emma Goswell Produced by Sam Walker We'd love to hear YOUR story. Please get in touch www.comingoutstoriespodcast.com or find us on twitter @ComeOutStories and on Instagram @ComingOutStoriesPod We have a book! Coming Out Stories is available at all major shops now! JKP.com | Queerlit | Waterstones | Amazon Coming Out Stories is a What Goes On Media Production