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Coming Out Stories

Martin - A Stonewall Riots veteran.

30 minutes | Friday, 28 June 2019

A very special episode to commemorate 50 years since one of the most important events in LGBTQ+ history: The Stonewall Riots. Martin Boyce was the son of Italian immigrants and grew up in New York, coming out in the 60s at a time it was very dangerous to be gay in the city. He was at The Stonewall Inn on 28 June 1969 and stood, defiant, as the NYPD charged. His story is moving and incredible.  Please share it.Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifyPresented by Emma Goswell Produced by Sam Walker We'd love to hear YOUR story. Please get in touch or find us on twitter @ComeOutStories and on Instagram @ComingOutStoriesPod We have a book! Coming Out Stories is available at all major shops now! | Queerlit | Waterstones | Amazon Coming Out Stories is a What Goes On Media Production

Martin - A Stonewall Riots veteran.
Coming Out Stories

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