On Air

Kriss Herbert now playing Tate McRae - Greedy

Need to work on my backhand...

I think Producer Jamie is trying to tire me out!!  After last weeks extreme fitness challenge - this week I found myself heading down to the National Squash Centre in Manchester to join Northern Rebound for a couple of games. Now - I'd only played once before and all I could remember is that there was quite a bit of sweat involved. Deodrant-less and minus sweat bans (shock horror) I took to the court for a match with Gavin. Which I lost. 11-2. Still - it was a lot of fun and if you're looking to get fit  - squash would certainly help. Plus the people are lovely. Always a winner. For more info - go to http://www.northernrebound.org

Here's a picture. I tried to intimidate Gavin with growling. It didn't work.

Producer Jamie promises a BIG challenge next week... a film crew has been booked - eeeeeek. Better get my hair done. Find out more on Monday from 7.

In other news - 

I've finally taken the Christmas tree down. What do people do with them?  It's perched round the back of my flat at the moment. I might find an empty flower bed in a local park and make it a feature - introduce a bird bath and some gnomes perhaps.

Have a great weekend. I'm off to see a brilliant friend who's back from travelling. So much to catch up on. I'm thinking there might be some wine involved. Just a glass or two of course - the marathon training continues... (jogging as I type).


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