On Air

Kriss Herbert now playing Tate McRae - Greedy

Snow play in July...

The weather hadn't been amazing but still I didn't think I'd find myself frolicking in the snow, wearing a beautiful blue ski jacket and rather snug booties in the middle of July! 

My challenge was to have a crack at snowboarding. I had no idea what to expect. I'm never good in the snow. The idea of a snowball fight always fills me with dread - I mean really, why would you want a cold wet one in the face?! Down your top?! in your eye?! It's cold. And wet. Brrrrr. Don't even mention snowmen. Couple this with my dread of falling over - and you'd think that I'd hate snowboarding - I mean what could be worse than falling over - in the cold!? However, I approached the challenge with the same usual vigour (even after a rather heavy night at the premiere of the Batman Live tour). I was going to conquer this. I mean - how hard can it be?! - going down a slope on a bit of wood (check out my technical lingo there). The answer - actually quite hard.

My venue was the Chill Factore in Manchester. My teacher was Sarah. She was everything you'd imagine a snowboarder to be. Laid back, chilled (probably due to the -3 temperature) and clad in baggy trousers. She soon made me feel at ease and slowly but surely I started to love it. I was riding the white stuff. I was riding the white stuff at points when I wasn't actually meant to be riding the white stuff - twice I found myself tearing down the slope with no idea how to stop - but I loved it - and it was fun!! YES - even in the cold. By the end of the session I was sweaty - and hooked. Not just challenge complete - but I'm going back for a second go. 

If you don't fancy snowboarding - then there are loads of other things to do - tubing, snow play, luge (I know they sound saucy, right?) - not to mention airboarding (body boarding on snow!) sledging and skiing. Check out their website for more info - http://www.chillfactore.com. It's well worth a look.

The cold did funny things to my camera but here are a couple of pics...

Look at me go here... Eddie the Eagle watch out...


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