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Coming Out Stories

Iain Dale

28 minutes | Monday, 30 March 2020

“I will never forget the dead look in my mother’s eyes when I told her” Writer, broadcaster and political commentator Iain Dale didn’t come out until later in life. He does have some regrets about waiting for so long, but once he did as he puts it  “There was absolutely no going back!” Follow us! Twitter: @comeoutstories Instagram: comingoutstoriespodPresented by Emma Goswell Produced by Sam Walker We'd love to hear YOUR story. Please get in touch or find us on twitter @ComeOutStories and on Instagram @ComingOutStoriesPod We have a book! Coming Out Stories is available at all major shops now! | Queerlit | Waterstones | Amazon Coming Out Stories is a What Goes On Media Production

Iain Dale
Coming Out Stories

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