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A Gay and a Non Gay

The Monkeypox Outbreak with Martin Joseph

28 minutes | Tuesday, 27 September 2022

"They locked me in a room and called me from the other side, they didn't know what to do. Every time I asked someone 'What is gonna happen now?' They said, 'I don't know'. I think that's the scariest bit".
Today we welcome comedian and host of the essential new podcast 'What The Pox?', Martin Joseph.
Martin bravely shuts down his shame, sharing his story and answering questions about monkeypox. Where has it come from? How is it transmitted? Can you catch it twice? Is this outbreak part of a much bigger picture? And - from Dan - why do the gays love a virus?
You can find out more information and resources on monkeypox, and listen to 'What The Pox? at
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The Monkeypox Outbreak with Martin Joseph
A Gay and a Non Gay

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