In the Manchester suburb of Didsbury I found the Universities of Manchester cheerleaders - busily training for their next big competition. After a vigorous warm up - how can you get your leg THAT high?! I was ready to commence my challenge. I was to become a 'flyer' - oh easy I thought - then I saw what was involved... I watched as girls were launched high into the air - all smiling as they high kicked mid air. I was petrified. I was shaking. I was slightly clammy. My time had come...
Even though I had only known them for a couple of hours I already trusted these girls. They propelled me high and fast - I rose into the air - I tried to smile - I fell to the earth - I landed with a bump. If at first you don't succeed then give it another bash. Up I went - higher and faster than before. This time felt good - I could feel the wind against my cheeks - the rush of adrenaline and then the hands of 5 girls on my body as they caught me. Challenge complete. I could be in Glee. After a round of chanting my time as a cheerleader came to an end and I was returned to the leafy streets of Didsbury. A different man. A cheerleader.
It was REALLY hard - but a lot of fun. More info here...
I fitted in really easily...