Josh croft - Project Pride photos
Having never been to Manchester's gay pride I was excited to be part of Gaydio's "Project Pride" especially since I was asked to do some of the photography. It was certainly a experience capturing some of the shoots for the Fringe theatre production "Someone borrowed Someone's blue. I got some great shoots of the lead actor Dale Vicker who was fabulous, I was also lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the show. I then got to photograph some of the "voices of the village" it was great to hear what pride meant to so many people. I decided to do these in black and white as i thought they would be a nice contrast to my big finale which is the legendary parade which I'm sure will be amazing and I will catch in all the colors of the rainbow.
Josh Croft
Dale Vicker in his fabulous costume...
Voices of the Village...
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Gaydio Replay
Jsky (10th March)
powering through your evening
Brett Harris (10th March)
chaos for the commute
Chris Blackmore (10th March)
getting you through the day